In this two-day breakthrough-style gathering, you’ll learn to put yourself first, totally guilt-free. You’ll discover how this one act of self-love will bring more clarity, ease and joy to every aspect of your life.

In our safe and loving space, you’ll see how past experiences and old hurts may have caused you to shut down, close off, and guard your precious heart for fear of rejection, abandonment, or disappointment. You’ll practice being compassionate and loving to yourself so that every area of your life is relaxed and filled with freedom, joy and abundance.

You will be celebrated. You will remember your shine.

Why I lead this event.

I get great joy as participants uncover the wisdom, gifts and truths that are uniquely theirs to share. On this safe and supportive journey of self-discovery other life changes unfold; participants become more confident and more playful. They take greater risks, stretch, grow, and soar. In short, their lives get better as they love themselves, remember their own brilliance, adore their unique shine. And the world needs your shine!

Cynthia Stamation



"WOW! Following your Lead in the Feminine workshop my mind feels expansive and my heart open. I can already feel that all my relationships are changing, because I am changing. You opened me to lead with love, parent with love, and approach every interaction with LOVE! "
Darcy Hueftle
2024 LITF Participant

During our two days together:

Each day begins with a warm welcome, inviting you into a sanctuary of safety and love. Here, every woman is embraced for her uniqueness and given permission to shine brightly. This space is free from judgment, criticism, and gossip. We actively encourage you to share the essence of who you are, while we nurture your innate gifts. As we acknowledge the light within each other, it magnifies the radiance within ourselves, fostering a collective glow that illuminates our shared experience.


You are good enough as you are. You are whole and complete. Say it with me, “I am whole and complete, just as I am.” There is only one you. During LitF, you will shed the layers that obscure your authentic self, allowing for a crystalline clarity that unveils your purpose and direction. You’ll remember your unique, beautiful, sparkly self. You will practice being her again. You will fall in love with her. And you will be ready to share her -the true you- with the world.

Expand Your Capacity to Receive and to Nurture Yourself

In our culture, there is a belief that prioritizing oneself or receiving is selfish. Yet constant giving without receiving, or putting others first, leads to an empty tank. This can result in feelings of resentment and overwhelm. During LitF, you will begin to fill your own tank, nurture yourself, and make your needs the priority, which will give you more energy, joy and love to share with others.

Identify and Heal Your Blocks to Love

When we push, strive, and force, we block the bounty of love available to us—the love that is looking for us and the love that we deserve. You will locate and heal these blocks.


Deep connection with ourselves and others is vital for thriving. When intimacy diminishes, we may instinctively withdraw and close down, feeling isolated and alone. To receive love, our heart must be open. At LitF, surrounded and supported by other beautiful women, your heart will open wide, and you’ll expand your capacity to receive love in all its forms.



Lead In The Feminine will help you:

This weekend’s experience has definitely allowed me to put trust and love in other women again. I have made so many new friends and I have definitely had one of the most memorable and gratifying experiences in my life.





Cost per person is $595 before April 1, 2025. Use code EB595 to receive the discount. (payment plans available, contact [email protected])

Lunch is included both days.

We have a block of rooms held at Northern Quest Resort Thursday, May 1 ($139), Friday, May 2 ($229) and Saturday, May 3 ($229). Call them directly to secure your room (877) 871-6772.

Tell them you are part of the Lead in the Feminine group rate.


Each participant will have a 30-minute call for Cynthia  so she can get to know you a little bit and for you to express your intention for the event. You will be provided a link to schedule this call after you register.

Fly into Spokane International Airport – GEG

Free Shuttle to Northern Quest Resort from Spokane Airport.  Call 509.481.6810

There is free parking onsite at Northern Quest Resort.

What if our essence, as it is, is already enough? Without extra effort or transformation, we are deserving of our deepest desires. We often push ourselves to do more and be more, driven by masculine energy to achieve. Yet, it’s the receptive nature of feminine energy that allows us to attract what we desire. When blocked, it hinders opportunity. Let’s encourage others to step up, take responsibility, and contribute to balanced relationships.

You are not defined by your story, past, patterns, or others’ opinions. You are energy capable of creation and transformation, waiting for your own permission. Your purpose is to fully experience life and express your true essence. There is only one of you, and it would be a loss to the world if you do not share your full, authentic self. Reconnect with who you truly are, and embrace the uniqueness only you can offer.

Your ‘worthy’ story affirms your deservingness of the love you envision. Regrets, mistakes, and losses anchor this narrative, shaping our identity. While we can’t change the past, we can shift our perception and the energy it carries. You are inherently deserving of love, wealth, abundance, and a thriving business aligned with your passion and purpose. By rewriting your financial narrative, you discard outdated stories influenced by others and bravely claim your own path to success.

The biggest obstacle to receiving is believing I already know it all, closing myself off to new insights. When my attachment to a specific outcome is rigid, I block the flow of love. Hyper-focusing on the exact source of inflow creates barriers, limiting manifestation. Instead of forcing results through masculine energy, the feminine path offers grace in receiving. The key is staying open to continuous learning, allowing growth, transformation, and abundance to naturally flow.

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