My name is Cynthia

This is my story.

1989 – 1993

Graduating from Interlochen Arts Academy with the President’s Award in Dance, I embarked on my dance career in Israel with the Bat-Dor Dance Company in Tel Aviv. Amidst the 1st Gulf War, I witnessed the cultural richness and community resilience. This transformative chapter taught me to cherish the present, finding joy in uncertainty. The experience left an indelible mark, shaping my outlook on life and the appreciation of each moment’s beauty amid challenges.

1994 – 2003

In New York City, I pursued my dance career, performing with talented choreographers and perfecting my skills as a waitress. A pinnacle was The Radio City Christmas Spectacular, where the thunderous applause of 6,000 people left an indelible mark. Observing fellow dance captains and directors taught me invaluable lessons in teamwork, collaboration, and leadership.

2001 – 2003

In my quest to understand my discontent, I explored self-help resources, from “Chicken Soup for the Soul” to Wayne Dyer’s teachings. Despite identifying issues, transformation eluded me. My uncle introduced me to “The Mountain Experience” by The Garden Company, a transformative experience catalyzing profound life shifts. This encounter offered clarity on inner struggles, illuminating a new career path, and marking a pivotal chapter in my personal development.


I relocated to Sandpoint, ID, joining The Garden Company founded by Kendric Mercer in 1988. I worked, coached, and taught, facilitating 8-10 personal growth seminars nationwide annually for 8 years.


I had a profound spiritual awakening during one of the darkest periods of my life. In the depths of despair, I pleaded for relief from my suffering until exhaustion overcame me and I fell asleep. The following day, during a seminar in the presence of 25 people, I closed my eyes and heard “just surrender.” In that moment, an extraordinary transformation unfolded. I felt a cascade of white light surging from the soles of my feet, permeating my entire being and radiating through the crown of my head. This experience filled me with the purest, most profound sense of love and bliss, and my days were marked by uncontainable joy.

This awakening had a profound impact on my life coaching abilities. I found that I could intuitively discern more from my clients, picking up on subtle cues and emotions. Additionally, I began to physically feel sensations in my own body that mirrored what my clients were experiencing, deepening my empathetic connection and enhancing my capacity to guide them through their journeys.


I established my own coaching practice with a specific focus on startups and guiding entrepreneurs.

2014 - Present

I serve as the CEO of Endo Mastery, a role that I embraced after my uncle, Ace Goerig, the owner of the company, introduced me to a life-altering personal development seminar in 2001. This experience not only transformed my life but also redirected my career path. The catalyst for my current position was the invaluable gift of the Mountain Experience, which my uncle graciously shared with me.

When Ace approached me for assistance in revitalizing his company, I enthusiastically accepted the challenge. Initially, the plan was for me to stay for just one year to help them get back on track. However, a decade later, I find myself deeply entrenched in the company, having dedicated ten years to its growth and success.


I founded Legacy Life Consulting, an executive life coaching and seminar company. Co- owned with my husband, David Stamation we are dedicated to guiding individuals towards personal and professional transformation, leaving a positive legacy in their lives and the lives of those they influence.


I had a Kundalini awakening during a pivotal period in my life when I sought significant change. This transformative experience, known for its capacity to burn off inner density, brought forth a profound shift within me. Each day became an embodiment of absolute joy, and I discovered an innate courage that empowered me to pursue endeavors I had long desired but hesitated to undertake due to fear.

2015 – Present

I immersed myself in a multitude of teachings focused on various healing and energy modalities, eager to broaden my understanding of spiritual awakenings and my role in the world. I diligently undertook courses and programs, delving into Body Talk 1 and 2, Reiki 1 and 2, the Intuitive Coaching Program led by Christie Marie Sheldon, Spiritual Ministry under Julie Hutslar, Intuitive Coaching with Jacki Beem, Servant Leadership at Gonzaga University, and non-dual Advaita Vedanta teachings with James Swartz.

Embarking on a transformative 6-month sabbatical, I traversed monasteries, temples, churches, and various places of worship. Through this profound exploration, I discovered a common thread woven behind all teachings—an essence of love. This universal element unified diverse practices and ideologies, becoming the underlying force that connected me to a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world.

January 2024

“Lead in the Feminine Launch”. Following a transformative event in 2021, my newfound motto became “I don’t wait” — I seize the moment. The mission has been simmering within me for over 7 years. Fearing complete vulnerability and never finding the right time, courage has once again found its way to me. It’s as if I heard the call before, but now I am answering it. I can’t envision anything more fulfilling in life than assisting women in cultivating more love and affluence. Here’s to more in 2024!